To successfully execute your Customer Experience strategies, good technology vendor relationships are just as important as good technology. Even with the most cutting-edge solution, a strained relationship with the vendor can hinder progress. Vendors act as an extension of your team, responsible for adding functionality and addressing concerns. However, conflicts can arise, making vendor management a crucial aspect of IT leadership.

To improve your relationship with your cloud vendor and enhance service, consider implementing these four steps:

  1. Offer yourself up as a reference and marketing resource. Participating in reference calls and marketing initiatives can generate goodwill and motivate vendors to provide excellent service.
  2. Beta test new products and participate in product roadmap programs. Assisting vendors in testing out new   features demonstrates confidence in your CX solution and encourages vendors to prioritize your needs.
  3. Join the vendor’s customer advisory board to provide feedback and advocate for specific features. This amplifies your voice while giving vendors valuable information about their product.
  4. Get active in QBRs by sending an agenda beforehand and inviting stakeholders and users. This makes the meeting more valuable for everyone involved.

Remember, a good relationship with your vendor can be the key to success in CX strategies.