Welcome to the Marketplace (product name TBD) Beta Test

We’re so glad you’re here!

What is this Marketplace?

We have a vision in which we not only empower anyone to self-research and self-educate cloud-based software solutions – like Contact Center and Security to name a few  – but also provide them with simple and intuitive tools to design their solution, build consensus, and plan for the journey ahead. All without having to sit through meetings and pitches, and navigating through a crowded vendor landscape alone.

Sounds cool, what’s the ask?

The “Take Me to the Assessment” button will lead you to a hypothetical “Assessment” where you will answer questions that will help you plan to purchase tech for a Contact Center. This “Assessment” is a fancy way of understanding what product features you need in a future solution. The questions should guide you in providing us with information about your mock organization and what you are trying to accomplish. 

Once you have completed the “Assessment”, you’ll be prompted to save it by creating a log-in to our Marketplace portal. You can use either your work or personal email – whatever your preference. But please make sure it is a working email in order to gain access to the portal. When you have successfully logged into the Marketplace portal, please make sure you can download the “Assessment”.

While in the portal you can also create a Use Case as well. Although we are focused on getting your feedback on the process of creating an “Assessment”, if you have time and are interested in providing more input on the Marketplace, please feel free to create and download as many Use Cases as you’d like as well.   

How long is this going to take?

It’s a two-step process.

Step 1: The “Assessment” should take less than 10 minutes. You can obviously spend much more time in the Marketplace portal and even create Use Cases.

Step 2: After you have completed at least one “Assessment”, we ask you to take our 15-question survey to provide us feedback. (This is also where you can help us name the Marketplace!)

Ready to go?